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Portable Sauna Steam

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40 in stock

The portable sauna steam is just like the little room that works on your body by encompassing the moist steam. The warm vapor of the steam helps to minimize the muscular discomfort, stimulates perspiration and it also helps to improve the circulation of blood as well. This portable steam sauna is specially designed for those people who often wish to go to a steam sauna bar, but their meager financial conditions prevented them to do so. The overall installation of the steam sauna is quite simple and easy and need no time-consuming plumbing and wiring. The device can be set to operate in just a couple of minutes. To start the process, you just pour the water in the steaming device and then plug the device into standard electric outlet and that’s all.

Product Features:

  1. Helps to improve the metabolism process and circulation of blood
  2. Helps to reduce weight certain harmful toxins.
  3. Adjustable timer for easy operation
  4. Available in Pink Color

Product Technical Specifications:

  • Temperature: Up to 45˚C (approx.)
  • Max Power Output: 850 W
  • Volume of Steam Generator: 1.5 Liter

Package Includes:

  • 1 x Steam Generator
  • 1 x Steam Sauna Tent
  • 1 x Sauna Pouch
  • 2 x Steam Hose

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0321.4115583  - 0333.4115583


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